Trails to the Past

North Dakota

Barnes County




News Stories

Freeman Shooting

The Freeman shooting case took on a new phase in Valley City when Freeman the man who did the shooting on Saturday evening wounding Howard Hittsman and Tom Liene was arrested on the charge of manslaughter.  Freeman waived examination until after the preliminary examination on the original case.  There is excitement in this city regarding this case although opinions are not freely expressed.  The outcome will be watched with interest.  Freeman is said will be able to furnish bail in any reasonable amount.  Bismarck Daily Tribune Friday August 10, 1900

Farm Hand Shot by Employer
Valley City June 7----This morning a shooting affair occurred in the northern part of Barnes county, about eighteen miles from this city, which resulted in the murder of Elmer Lewis, a farmhand, by his employer, Geo. N McClure, at the farm of C. M. Padgett. It is alleged by McClure that Lewis was unduly intimate with his wife and that yesterday the matter culminated in a quarrel in which Lewis was discharged.  After being driven from the farm, Lewis went to the farm of Mr. Padgett and stayed overnight. This morning McClure took Lewis' trunk and other belongings, including a rifle, over to the Padget farm. The quarrel between the two men was renewed and resulted in McClure shooting and instantly killing Lewis with his own rifle. After the shooting McClure went to Dazey and gave himself up to Deputy Sheriff Ole Oppegard. McClure came to Barnes county from Illinois some eighteen months ago and has been a tenant on the farm of Wm. Reid of this city, who speaks very highly of him as an honest, industrious and sober farmer. Lewis worked for him last summer and was hired again this summer. It is said that his intimacy with Mrs. McClure has continued some time. Mrs. McClure is a rather handsome young woman and the mother of four children.  Hope Pioneer June 13, 1907

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