Trails to the Past

North Dakota

Bottineau County




Bottineau County North Dakota News Stories

Severe Wind

In the severe wind and rain storm that passed over Willow City Tuesday night a new granary belonging to William Picken was blown over and smashed to bits.  Edwin the 11 year old son of Mr. Picken was rendered unconscious for two hour besides suffering a crushed shoulder.  James Jones who was with the boy sustained three broken ribs besides being badly bruised about the face and head. Bismarck Daily Tribune Friday August 10, 1900

Beaten and Robbed
William Engel, a transient laborer was brutally assaulted and robbed of $40. by a companion in the Soo yards at Omemee.  The thug struck him over the head with some blunt instrument and Failing to stun him cut him about the head and arms with a knife.  Engel finally drew the money from him and ran up town for assistance.  In the meantime the brute escaped and has not as yet been captured.  Engel had fed and given the man money for several days. Bismarck Tribune Friday September 18, 1914

Richter - Reichenberg

At the home of the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. William Richter, Near Krem, occurred the marriage of Herman Reichenberg and Miss Mary Richter.   The ceremony was performed by Rev. F. Braus, in the German Lutheran church at Krem.  The parties to this union are two of the most popular young people of the Krem country and two of the most respected and oldest families of the county. Bismarck Tribune Sunday September 27, 1914 (**Note the paper gave the name of town as Krem, but could have meant Kramer, there is not a town listed as Krem)


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