Trails to the Past

North Dakota

Burke County




Burke County North Dakota

News Stories


Causes Arrest of Husband and Wife
Nov. 16.-Charging that both husband and wife pounced upon him and assaulted him, Martin Sether caused the arrest of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Garness of Powers Lake, who caused a sensation in Minot some time ago by being married after they had been arrested on charge of un-lawful cohabitation. The couple were arrested by Deputy Sheriff Dick Steinhoffer. Sether charges the husband and wife with assaulting him while he was walking over the Garness claim. Sether claims that he was doing no one any harm and that because he was on their land the husband and wife jumped upon him. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Garness have a different story. They state that they had warned Sether to keep off their land arid that in spite of this warning he came on the land and tried to make trouble for them. The Evening Times November 16, 1908

Stealing from Restaurant
Peter Owen was given 30 days at Portal for stealing a slab of bacon from the Soo restaurant. The Ward County Independent November 21, 1912

James Connors was arrested at Portal, being suspected of kidnapping two children, a boy of eight and a girl of ten. The Ward County Independent November 21, 1912

Fractured Leg
John Olson of Lignite fractured his leg in two places while butchering a steer. The Ward County Independent November 21, 1912

Smashed Windows
Seven drunks, members of a threshing crew, smashed the windows of the Bowbells Bakery and Restaurant, when they were refused admittance.  They were arrested next day and five of them were fined $10 and costs amounting to $40 each. The Ward County Independent November 21, 1912



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