Trails to the Past

Kidder County North Dakota Biographies




North Dakota History and People
S. J. Clarke Publishing Company Chicago, Ill. 1917

LOUIS DORNACKER, cashier of the First State Bank at Tuttle, Kidder county, has always lived on this side the Mississippi and the spirit of western progress and enterprise has found manifestation in his active business career. He realized at the outset that industry wins, and he has made industry the strong motive force in his career. His birth occurred in Omaha, Nebraska, in 1882, his father being Nicholas Dornacker, a native of Germany, and one of the pioneer residents of Nebraska. He early learned the carpenter’s trade and became a contractor, but dining his later years gave his attention to the occupation of farming. His wife, Mrs. Henrietta Dornacker, was a native of Holland and both are now deceased. Their family numbered seven children, all of whom are yet living.

Louis Dornacker the youngest, pursued his education in the schools of Omaha and of Blair, Nebraska, and after his textbooks were put aside he became connected with the grocery trade in the latter place, devoting three years to that work in Blair. In August, 1905, he became a resident of Steele, North Dakota, where he accepted the position of assistant cashier of the First National Bank, in which capacity he faithfully and capably served for seven years. He then removed to Tuttle, where in connection with John F. Robinson.  John 0. Taylor and F. D. Jones he organized the First State Bank, becoming cashier at that time and so continuing to the present. This bank is capitalized at ten thousand dollars and its surplus now amounts to six thousand dollars. They not only conduct a general banking business, but also have an insurance department and handle real estate, buying and selling both farm and town property. They have gained a good patronage and the business has proven a growing and profitable one. Mr. Dornacker is also interested in farming, owning land which he rents.

In September 1911, was celebrated the marriage of Louis Dornacker and Miss Amanda Holland, who was born in Mayville, North Dakota, in 1886, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.  E. H. Holland, who were early residents of this state, having settled on a homestead claim in pioneer times when Fargo was their nearest market. Mr. and Mrs. Dornacker have become the parents of two children: Eldred N., born December 25, 1912; and John L., born July 7, 1914.

Mr. Dornacker is an independent voter, supporting the candidates whom he regards sis best qualified for the office. While in Blair, Nebraska, he filled the position of city clerk, and he was also the first chairman of the board of trustees of Tuttle. His interest in community affairs is manifest in many tangible ways for the upbuilding and progress of the district. He belongs to the German Lutheran church and his life has ever been actuated by high and honorable principles which make him a man whom to know is to respect and honor.

RAYMOND G. MEYERS, cashier of the Farmers & Merchants Bank at Robinson, Kidder county, was born in Nelson, Wisconsin, December 29, 1888, a son of William and Martha Meyers, who were also natives of that state. The father there devoted his attention to farming until 1902, when he removed to the vicinity of Ellendale, North Dakota, and there carries on general farming and stock raising.

Raymond G. Meyers, the eldest in a family of six children, pursued his education in the graded schools of Nelson and afterward accompanied his parents on their removal to this state, becoming a pupil in the high school at Ellendale from which he was graduated with the class of 1906. He further prepared for life’s practical and responsible duties by study in the Normal and Industrial School at Ellendale, so that he is a man of liberal education. When his textbooks were put aside he entered the Driscoll State Bank in 1907 in the capacity of bookkeeper and assistant cashier and was thus employed for three years, after which he served for two years as assistant cashier in the First National Bank at Steele. He then returned to the Driscoll State Bank, where he was cashier for two years, on the expiration of which period he removed to Robinson to become cashier of the Farmers & Merchants Bank, in which connection he still continues. He is also a stockholder and director in the institution and is active in shaping its policy and directing its interests. The bank was organized on the 11th of April 1911, by T. S. Pryse, who became president, F. A. Cameron, who was chosen vice president, C. R. Weber and F. W. Leete. Mr. Pryse and Mr. Cameron still retain their offices, while R. G. Meyers is cashier. The bank is capitalized for ten thousand dollars and now has a surplus and undivided profits of ten thousand dollars. It has enjoyed a prosperous existence from the beginning, the business steadily increasing under the wise direction of its officers.

On the 1st of December 1914, Mr. Meyers was married to Miss Anna Krogen, who was born in Abercrombie, North Dakota, June 6, 1895. They have one son, Robert, whose birth occurred November 1, 1916. Theirs is a pleasant hospitable home in Robinson and Mr.  Meyers is the owner of farm property near the town. Their religious faith is that of the Lutheran church and Mr. Meyers belongs to the Masonic lodge at Steele and to the Royal Arch chapter at Bismarck, while of Bismarck Lodge, No. 1199, B. P. 0. E., he is also a member. His political endorsement is given to the republican party and while he does not seek nor desire political office he is interested in the welfare and progress of his community and is serving as president of the Robinson school board. Along well defined lines of labor he has worked his way upward, wisely utilizing his time, talents and opportunities, his ability having brought him to the front in the business circles of Kidder county.



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