Trails to the Past

North Dakota

Kidder County




Court News

Langer to Assist Prosecution with Cleon Nash Case

Attorney General Langer is in Steele where tomorrow he will assist State's Attorney Eastwold with the prosecution of Cleon Nash alleged murderer of Clarence Hicks, in the latter's homestead shack, near Robinson last December.

Nash both of whose feet were amputated in the Bismarck hospital after being frozen to the ankles while he fought howling blizzards in the open prairie in an effort to escape will be placed on trial tomorrow.  This will be the first murder case in Kidder county since North Dakota became a state.

While in Steele, the attorney general also will investigate an alleged case of leprosy in Kidder county and will seek to determine the best means of conveying the reported lepers across the state line to the Minnesota leper colony.  Bismarck Tribune Monday July 9, 1917


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