Trails to the Past

North Dakota

McKenzie County




Two Brothers Hurt in Runaway Another was Kicked by Horse

Alexander ND Sept 17, While Robert and George Childs were driving home in a single buggy a strap on the harness became unbuckled.  This released the bit on one side and scared the horse which ran away.

Although both boys had hold of the reins it was impossible to stop the runaway.  Robert jumped and called to George to do likewise.  George hung on a little longer, then jumped as a wheel broke.  In the mixup his leg was broken at the ankle.  The ankle joint was fractured as was also the fibula or smaller bone.  It is what is known as a double fracture.  This is the second serious accident which has happened to the Childs family lately.  A few weeks ago Ralph Childs had his jaw broken, some teeth knocked out and his face badly cut by being kicked by a horse. Bismarck Tribune Friday September 18, 1914

Explosion and Fire
The firm of Opsahl and Rud of Cartwright had another attack of hard luck.  A few weeks ago a gasoline explosion destroyed their warehouse and burned Mr Rud so badly that he is still in a Williston hospital.  Last week fire totally destroyed their store building with most of the stock and general merchandise and hardware Bismarck Tribune Friday September 18, 1914.


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