Trails to the Past

North Dakota

McLean County

News Stories

Search for Body

Washburn Leader-A searching party of thirty-nine men started out last Monday morning to hunt for the body of Gus Johnston, who was lost in the storm of April 12th.  They gave the prairie over which it is supposed he traveled a through search but without avail.  They were out several days and traversed a large area of country, but found no traces of the missing man nor his horse, though it is thought his horse had been found, but there is nothing definite about that.  Bismarck Daily Tribune Saturday May 13, 1893


Stewart - Johannes

Cecil Stewart and Miss Sybilla Johannes of Underwood were married on Wednesday evening by R. H. Myers at his home, 8 Rosser St.  The parties are both well known young people living west of Underwood.  Bismarck Tribune Friday September 18, 1914


Haas - Kiemele

In the German Baptist church occurred the marriage of Miss Caroline Kiemele and August Haas, both of Turtle Lake.  The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Freigang.  They will live at Finley for the present, but will move to Montana where Mr. Haas recently filed on a homestead. Bismarck Tribune Sunday September 27, 1914


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