Trails to the Past

North Dakota

Ransom County





Ransom County North Dakota News Stories

Father Accidently Kills Son
Lisbon, N. D., Nov. 16.—As Peter Klemenston and his son, Oscar, 13 years old, living near the county line of Sargent County were trying to kill a chicken, the father having the gun and while getting through some brush or a thicket, the gun trigger caught and the contents were discharged into the abdomen of the boy. He was brought immediately to the Patterson hospital but died from the effects of the wound. The Evening Times November 16, 1908

George Ranes and Harold Webster of Lisbon were quite badly injured when a motorcycle they were riding ran into a rut and threw them both off with terrific force.  The accident happened near Enderlin.  Ranes had one of his feet crushed. Bismarck Tribune Friday September 18, 1914 
Badly Burned When Automobile Catches Fire
Lisbon, ND July 5-His wife and four children escaped injury, but Jerry Sullivan was badly burned about the hands when his automobile caught fire as he was filling the gasoline tank hose.  The fire department was called out, but it did not succeed in saving the car, when it burned down to the frame. Bismarck Tribune Monday July 9, 1917






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