Trails to the Past

Ransom County North Dakota Biographies

Biographie Index

Nils Eggen
Mathias L. Engle
Ole Erickson
Eberhardt O. Fausett
Murdo A. Finlayson
Horace S. Gates
Joseph Goodman
Peter P. Goodman
Marion Grange
William F. Grange
Hans P. Grinager
Robert E. Lee Grubbs
Ever Gullicksen
Erick Gunderson



NILS EGGEN, is one of the representative general farmers of Bear Creek township. Ransom county. He has been a conspicuous figure in the development and extension of the great agricultural interests of that part of the county. He has a pleasant estate and makes his home on section 35, township 136, range 58. In the accumulation of this fine property much credit is due Mrs. Eggen for her share in the labors necessary for success.

Nils Eggen was born in Norway, April 25, 1842. He came to America when he was twenty-six years of age, after having engaged in farm work in his native land. He worked in a sawmill in Michigan for some time and then resided in La Crosse, Wisconsin, six years, after which he spent three years in Iowa. He went to Ransom county, Dakota, in 1880, and entered claim to land in township 136, range 57, upon which he erected a shanty, where he lived alone and rented his land and worked at carpenter work, assisting in the erection of many of the pioneer shanties. His wife filed upon land which comprises their present farm, and on which they took up their residence in 1893. The farm consists of two hundred acres of land, and is well improved. Mr. Eggen has made a success of his vocation and enjoys the comforts of a quiet country life.

Our subject was married, in 1893, to Miss Bettey Olson, nee Torgeson. Mr. Eggen is a member of the Lutheran church. He takes an active interest in public affairs of local importance, and is at present school and township treasurer. He is well known along the valley, and has gained the confidence and esteem of his associates. Politically he is a Republican and Prohibitionist.

HON. MATHIAS L. ENGLE, is one of the few old settlers of southwestern Ransom county who have remained to acquire a fortune. He and Mrs. Engle are the owners of one thousand two hundred and eighty acres of land, and they make their home on section 5. in township 133, range 57, during the farming season, and are residents of Lisbon, Ransom county, during the winter months, where they have a comfortable dwelling. Mr. Engle personally superintends the work on the farm, and the estate bespeaks careful management and prosperity.

Our subject was born in Allegany county. New York, September 1, 1843, and was a son of Mathias L. and Deborah (Watts) Engle, both of whom were of German descent. He acquired an academic education and worked many years for the American Express Company, and was a trusted employee. He arrived at Lisbon. North Dakota, in the spring of 1881, and made filings on some lands, and by purchase secured more, and was soon in possession of two thousand three hundred acres. Of this he cultivated about one thousand acres, and was recognized as one of the leading farmers of that region.

Our subject was married. May 20, 1874, to Miss Cora W. Robinson, a native of New York . Mrs. Engle is a lady of rare attainments, and is a graduate of Baxter University of Music. She is a supporter of all progressive movements, and in Lisbon has identified herself with church work and charitable projects. One son has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Engle, named Floyd C. Mr. Engle is a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, and is a Royal Arch Mason, and a member of Lodge of Perfection. Politically he is a Democrat and prohibitionist. He was elected to the state senate in 1890 and served two terms, during which time he was on the appropriation committees and introduced the bills which secured the funds for building the soldiers' home in the city of Lisbon. He is at present a member of the state Democratic central committee. He was chairman of the board of county commissioners from 1882-88, and has aided in the development and growth of Ransom county. His personal interests were often sacrificed for the welfare of his community, and he has gained the confidence of the people, and is deservedly held in high esteem by them.

OLE ERICKSON. This gentleman is a representative citizen of Ransom county, and is a resident of section 18, in Moore township. He is widely known and highly respected, and his life affords an example worthy the emulation of others. He started in life without capital outside of his physical and mental abilities and the good habits he had formed, and is today one of the solid men of his community. He went to Dakota as a pioneer settler, and his labors for the first few years were discouraging in their results, but persistent efforts and careful management surmounted every difficulty, and he has attained a comfortable competence and a valuable property.

Our subject was born in Norway, November 3, 1855, and soon after attaining his majority came to America. He worked in Fillmore county, Minnesota, until 1881, when on May 12 he arrived at Valley City, and then went to his present location. He had about two hundred dollars in money, and he erected a sod shanty, wherein he lived alone for several years. He is now the owner of one and a half sections of land, and devotes the farm to stock and wheat raising. He crops about seven hundred acres of land, and winters about one hundred head of stock, and he is at present the most extensive farmer of Moore township. He has improved his estate and has a convenient and neat residence, and a 44X46-foot barn for the shelter of his stock.

Our subject was married, in 1887, to Miss Mary Knudson. Four children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Erickson, as follows: Carl, Ole, Andrew and Criste. Mr. Erickson is a member of the Lutheran church. He is non-partisan in politics, and is a man who keeps pace with the times in all current events. He has gained an enviable reputation by his good sense, and quiet manner of conducting his affairs, and cannot be spoken of too highly in connection with his life labors. He has always been ready for any task which came to his lot, and no labor ever tired him or danger turned him from his way, when he saw the desired results. He persistently went forward to conquer every difficulty which beset his path, and he is now one of the prosperous and substantial men of Moore township.

EBERHARDT O. FAUSETT. Among the better class of agriculturists, whose fine estates evidence good management and enterprise, this gentleman stands in a high rank. He resides in section 30, of Liberty township. Ransom county, and is surrounded by every comfort of a rural home. He is the owner of one section of land, and has acquired his property by the exercise of honest industry and strict economy.

Our subject was born in Norway December 16, 1848, and was the eldest of nine children, born to Ole and Olive (Hanson) Fausett at Jatrud, both of whom are now living in Iowa. The family came to America in 1866, settling in Mitchell county, Iowa, and in 1872 our subject began in the hardware business in Lyle, Minnesota, and continued till the spring-of 1881. when his business failed, and he saved hut sixty dollars. He then went to Ransom county. North Dakota, and worked one year at Fargo at carpenter work, and in the spring of 1882 went to his farm to reside. Sickness visited his family, and he worked at carpenter work for another year, and also got fifty acres of land broke, and the second year from the proceeds of his crop purchased a team of horses for $400. He has since purchased three quarter-sections of land. His residence. 38x38 feet with a fine stone cellar, is well fiis well finished and is valued at about $1,500. It is the finest dwelling in Liberty township, and was built by our subject. His barn is fifty-six feet square, and furnishes abundant shelter for stock and products. He keeps Durham and Hereford cattle, and makes a specialty of butter making.

Our subject was married, in 1872, to Miss Rande Hagen, who died in 1874, leaving two children, Olaf and Rosina, now Mrs. M. Johnson, of North Dakota. Mr. Fausett married Miss Oline Goldburg in 1875. Three children were born to this union, as follows: Anna, deceased; Nora and Edwin, deceased. Mr. Fausett is a member of the Masonic fraternity and Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and is a communicant of the Lutheran church. He is active in public matters, and has served as township clerk, and assisted in the organization of the school and civil townships. Politically he is a Populist, and an earnest worker for his party principles. He was a delegate to the national convention at Omaha in 1892. and served on the platform committee, and was one of the organizers of the party in Ransom county. He was president of the first Farmers' Alliance of Ransom county, and is a man whose influence is felt through-out that locality

MURDO A. FINLAYSON, is recognized as one of the leading ranchmen and general farmers of Ransom county, North Dakota. He is a man of excellent education and business ability, and has made a success of his labors in Dakota. He resides on section 2, in Sydna township, and he and Mrs. Finlayson together own eight hundred acres of land, which is excellent grazing land, and they derive a handsome income from the stock kept thereon.

Our subject was born in the parish of Contin, county of Ross, Scotland, May 12, 1854, and is a descendant of the old Highland-Scotch clan Finlayson. He received a high-school education in his native land, after which he began work in the local freight department of the Highland Railway, at Muir-by-Ord, Scotland, as bookkeeper and cashier. After four years of this work he worked four years as cashier and bookkeeper for the Ord Distillery Company at Muir, of Ord, and gained a fine business training. He emigrated to Quebec in May, 1882, and proceeded from thence to St. Louis, Missouri. and after a short stay there \vent to Fargo, North Dakota. He worked in the harvest fields during the fall of that year, and then worked a few months for the N. P. Elevator Company, and this was followed by eight years' work as bookkeeper and assistant general agent for the Deering Company at Fargo. He took land in Ransom county in 1887, on which his wife resided two years, while he worked in Fargo. He devoted himself to the improvement of his farm interests in 1890, and began the cultivation of his land and the raising of stock. He had purchased fifteen sheep in 1888, and now has a flock of four hundred. He also has a herd of about fifty cattle, and annually crops from five to seven hundred acres of his land.

Our subject was married, in 1888, to Miss Jane Ross, a native also of Scotland.. Mr. and Mrs. Finlayson have adopted one son, named James R. Mr. Finlayson is a member of the Presbyterian church, the Ancient Order of United Workmen and Modern Woodmen of America. He takes an active interest in affairs of a public nature, and has served as township clerk two years and director of the school board three years. He occupies a prominent position and is highly esteemed.

HORACE S. GATES, a prosperous and enterprising farmer and dairyman, residing on section 34 of township 134, range 55, is one of the earliest settlers of Ransom county, and has gained his prominent position by dint of honest industry. He has gained a comfortable competence, and soon will retire from active labors to spend his declining years in quiet, a fitting reward for a life well spent. He has engaged in farming in Ransom county many years, and is now contemplating renting his estate.

Our subject was born in Windham county, Vermont, September 15, 1833, and is of English descent. He was the only son and eldest child in a family of three children born to Arad and Louisa (Fames) Gates. He was reared on a farm and assisted with the labor, and at the age of twenty-one went with his father to Nicollett county, Minnesota. At that early day there were but two white families in the township, and the Indians were numerous. They later settled in Redwood county, and soon despaired of getting a start there, and then loaded their effects into wagons, and located on the Dakota land. Our subject was one of the first residents in the township, and one of the earliest pioneers of Ransom county. His first abode in Dakota was 16x20 feet and was dug on the bank of the Sheyenne river, with logs built above. The roof was of poles, with a thick covering of clay, and the ground was the only floor. This was the home of our subject and wife for two years, and although a humble abode they were furnished with plenty of food, trapping and hunting bringing in an abundance of game to their board. He had about fifteen head of stock when he started in Dakota, and devoted himself to general farming. He became a patron of a creamery in 1887, and the following year began the operation of a home dairy, with success, proving the feasibility of the dairy business in Dakota. He now has about twenty-five cows, and devotes his attention to the dairy business mostly. His arrangements are simple and inexpensive, and a separator run by hand or horse-power is the only machinery in connection with the dairy. He sells most of the butter to private customers in Lisbon, and the surplus he ships to Duluth, his sales averaging about twenty cents per pound, the year around. On account of failing health and his advanced age he is completing arrangements to rent the farm, and will probably make his home in Lisbon. His son is now interested with him in the work, and together they own four hundred and eighty acres of valley land, altogether a fine estate. They have raised horses quite extensively on the farm.

Mr. Gates was married, in 1858, to Miss Olive Dean, a native of Vermont. Seven children have been born to them, as follows: George, engaged in farming in Ransom county; Alice, now Mrs. Dye; Jesse D.. farming with our subject; Hattie, now Mrs. Daniels, of Montana; Abbie, now Mrs. A. L. Murray; Cora, now Mrs. M. E. Murray; and Mabel, who was born in Dakota Territory. In political faith Mr. Gates is a Republican.

JOSEPH GOODMAN, proprietor of 'The Pioneer Store," of Sheldon, is a business man of practical nature and a capacity for well-directed labor. He has made a success in Dakota, and is now one of the substantial men of Ransom county. His store is one of the best in the locality, and carries a complete stock of general merchandise valued  to twelve thousand dollars.

Mr. Goodman was born in Stark county, Ohio, March 1, 1854. He removed to South Bend, Indiana, with his parents in 1850, and there remained until twenty years of age and engaged in farming. He went to Fargo, Dakota, in 1879, and worked for his brother, and in 1881 erected a store on the old survey of the Northern Pacific Railroad, and the firm of Goodman & Green continued business there until October of that year, when the survey was changed, passing about three miles north of their location. Our subject then removed his business to Sheldon, and was one of the first two mercantile businesses in the town. His patronage has steadily increased, and lie now enjoys an extensive trade.

Our subject was married, in 1882, to Miss Jennie Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Goodman are the parents of three children, as follows: Marion, Harriet and James. Mr. Goodman is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America, Ancient Order of United Workmen and Brotherhood of American Yeomen. He is interested in the general welfare of his community, and has served as a member of the town board. Politically, he is non-partisan, casting his vote for the candidate which in his opinion will best serve his people. He is a man who keeps abreast of the times in all matters of a public nature, and is a citizen of true worth and held in the highest esteem.

PETER P. GOODMAN, a well-to-do and enterprising farmer of Shenford township, Ransom County, is a man of much force of character and business ability. For many years he was one of the leading business men of Fargo, and since retiring from a commercial life has purchased an extensive farm and operates twelve hundred acres of land.  He makes his home in the village of Anselm, and is one of the pioneers of that locality. A portrait of Mr. Goodman appears on another page.

Our subject was born in Star County, Ohio, June 29, 1846, and was the eldest son and fifth in order of birth in a family of ten children, born to Theobald and Catherine (Gulling) Goodman. The father came to this country from France in 1823 and engaged in farming in Ohio, where he cleared a farm, and was one of the earliest settlers of that state. At the age of twenty years our subject left his home, in 1866, and joined his brother-in-law, who was stationed on the Red river of the North at Georgetown, as agent of the Hudson Bay Company. The following fall our subject took a contract from the Hudson Bay Company to cut cord wood on the banks of the Red river, and in 1868 began flat-boating between Fort Abercrombie and Winnipeg, and his life during those days was full of adventures. He later went to Fargo, in 1871, when the Northern Pacific Railroad was built to.  Moorehead, and in Fargo he worked in a restaurant owned by J. B. Chapin. He had invested in land along the Red river, and in 1875 disposed of the same and engaged with W. A. Yerxa in the general merchandise business. They were successful, and were known as the most extensive business men of the city. Our subject disposed of his interest in 1882 and invested in from three to four thousand acres of land in Ransom County. He soon had sixteen hundred acres under cultivation, and now conducts farming on an extensive scale. He entered claim to land in Cass County in November, 1868, and was the earliest settler of that County.

Our subject was married in 1877 to Miss Jannet Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Goodman have been the parents of five children, as follows : Emeretta, deceased ; Mary J. ; Frank, deceased ; John, and Ruth.  Mr. Goodman is a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen.

MARION GRANGE, who is well known as a prosperous general merchant of Sheldon. North Dakota, has passed through varied experiences and is a man of thorough knowledge of men and the world and profits by his business experiences. He has been associated with the financial interests of Sheldon for many years and occupies a prominent position in the minds of his associates.

Our subject was born in Columbiana county, Ohio, October 24. 1846. His parents, Claude and Christophine (Sebuette) Grange, were natives of France and came to America prior to their marriage, which occurred in New York. They were the parents of eleven children, four of whom were older than our subject and his twin sister. Until fourteen years of age our subject remained at home and assisted on his father's farm and then entered Notre Dame University, in Indiana, remaining there two years. He then worked for others about one year and drifted back to his Ohio home and in September, 1864, enlisted in the Twenty-sixth Ohio Light Artillery. He was on garrison duty at Natchez and Vicksburg during the greater part of his service, which lasted nine and a half months. He began farming in St. Joseph county. Indiana, in the fall of 1867, and in 1882 went to Dakota. He invested in a farm southeast of Sheldon and purchased the junior member's half-interest in the general store owned by Goodman & Greene. After about five years he entered the employ of A. B. Rudd, in the general merchandise business and remained with him one year, then purchased a stock of goods in company with A. D. Walter, which business they conducted about two years, when our subject sold his interest and in July, 1898, purchased the building and general merchandise business of C. F. Schroeder and is now well established in a brick building 25x80 feet in measurement. He now enjoys an extensive patronage and steadily increases the stock.

Our subject was married, in 1873, to Miss Christina Goodman, who later died, leaving no children. Mr. Grange married Miss Mary Stoltz in 1886. Three children have been born of this union, as follows: Ina F.. Leo and Louise, who died in infancy. Mr. Grange is a communicant of the Catholic church. He is well known in secret society circles and is a charter member of the Knights of the Maccabees and Brotherhood of American Yeomen and also holds membership in the Ancient Order of United Workmen. He was postmaster of Sheldon under both of Cleveland's administrations and was an efficient officer. In political faith he is a Democrat.

WILLIAM F. GRANGE, County treasurer of Ransom County, throughout his career in North Dakota has been one of the most prominent public men in the locality in which he has lived. His counsels and executive ability have been utilized to the benefit of his County and state, and he well merits his enviable reputation.

Our subject was born in St. Joseph County, Indiana, December 26, 1862, and was the eldest in a family of three children born to Phelix and Elizabeth (Goodman) Grange. His grandparents were of French birth and his parents were natives of America. When seventeen years of age our subject left his father's farm to enter the University of Notre Dame, and completed the commercial and classical courses in that institution. He engaged in farm work one year, and after attaining his majority went to Dakota in the fall of 1883, and entered a general store at Sheldon, Ransom County, as bookkeeper and clerk. He was elected superintendent of schools in 1886, and removed to the County seat, serving three terms in that capacity, until 1892. He then invested in general merchandise in Lisbon, and disposed of his business in the fall of 1893 and again made his home in Sheldon, where he followed bookkeeping. He was elected County treasurer of Ransom County in the fall of 1898.

Our subject was married, in 1891, to Miss Addie T. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Grange are the parents of three sons, named as follows: Myron, Mark and Marshall. Mr. Grange is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America. He is a communicant of the Catholic church, and in political faith is a Democrat. Throughout his business career Mr. Grange has been remarkably successful, and is a man of careful, systematic habits, and is of a conservative turn of mind, and all matters with which he is connected are materially benefited when the management thereof is left to his care.

HANS P. GRINAGER, clerk of courts of Ransom County, is a man of capability and true citizenship. He has been associated with the public interests of Ransom County for the past fifteen years and in every in stance has proven his loyalty and is held in the highest esteem by his fellows. He is one of the well-known residents of Lisbon, North Dakota.

Our subject was born in Gran, Hadeland, about fifty miles north of Christiania, Norway, June 30, 1844, and was the eldest in a family of thirteen children. He completed his education at an agricultural school in his native land and subsequently attended the high school in the city of Hamar, Norway, and assisted his father for some years in the pursuit of farming and the lumber business and lived two years at Gjovik, clerking in a saw-mill.  In 1880, at the age of thirty-six years, he came to the United States, as did also his parents and several brothers and one sister. An uncle and two of the brothers of our subject were living in Minnesota at the time. After one year spent in Minnesota near where his brother resided, our subject went to Iowa and in 1883 went to Lisbon, subsequently pre-empted one hundred and sixty acres of land in Sargent County. North Dakota, later going to Lisbon, Ransom County, where he worked in the Lisbon lumber yards. He became clerk in the County treasurer's office about 1884, and was there about four years, and in 1888 he was elected treasurer of Ransom County. After the expiration of his term he purchased wheat for two seasons and then served two years as deputy auditor. He was elected clerk of courts on the fusion ticket in 1896 and is now serving his second term in that capacity.

Our subject was married in 1876 to Miss Ingeborg A. Haug. Mr. and Mrs. Grinager are the parents of nine children, as follows : Peter, Martha, Lars, Adolph, Lizzie, Inga. Henry, Alma, and Edwin, who died at the age of one year. Mr. Grinager is a member of the Lutheran church, and a member of the L O. O. F.. He is one of the men in whose coming to America all who honor honest and faithful service can rejoice.

ROBERT E. LEE GRUBBS, one of the leading farmers of Ransom county, whose elegant home is in township 133, range 57. is a native of Boone county, Kentucky, and was born March 6, 1863.

Mr. Grubbs was the fourth child born to William B. and Lizzie (Coleman) Grubbs, both now deceased. The family is of German descent, the father being a native of Virginia and a graduate of the Ohio Medical College. He practiced medicine for many years. The grandfather of our subject was also a graduate of the same institution and president of the alumni association. Our subject's mother was of Irish extraction, and was born on a Kentucky plantation.

When Mr. Grubbs was eight years of age his father removed his family to Greenwood, Indiana, and there practiced his profession about eight years, returning again to Kentucky. Mr. Grubbs remained with his parents until he was twenty-one years of age, and then, in 1884, came to Dakota, and settled on land purchased from the railroad company. There he lived with a brother the first year, and then erected a shanty 8x10 feet, in which he lived alone for three years, enduring many hardships. The old shanty is still standing as a portion of his present residence. In 1887 the father of our subject came to North Dakota and purchased three sections of land, the same being subsequently purchased from him by his son, our present subject, who is now the owner of three sections of excellent lands, and annually cultivates about eight hundred acres. His farm is thoroughly equipped with modern machinery and improvements, and complete sets of farm buildings, including a horse-power elevator, feed-mill, with grain-cleaning attachment.

Mr. Grubbs was married, in 1890, to Mss Nellie E. Hark, native of New York, born April 9. 1865. They have no children. His home is one of refinement, and is surrounded by all the conveniences and many of the luxuries of life, such as are found in the best homes of the older states. Mr. Grubbs is a Democrat, and has taken an active part in political affairs of the county. In 1896 he was a popular candidate for state representative on the fusion ticket. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity and of the Modern Woodmen of America.

EVER GULLICKSEN, a resident of Enderlin, whose farm adjoins the city, is a prosperous and enterprising member of the farming community of Liberty township. His land is of excellent quality, and the farm buildings and other appointments of section 4 form a commanding sight, located on the hills above the city. Public "schools are convenient, and altogether our subject has a most valuable estate.

Mr. Gullicksen was born in Columbia county, Wisconsin, November 21, 1849, and was an only child. His parents were Knute and Renvei (Gullicksen) Gullicksen, and his father was drowned prior to the birth of our subject. The mother afterward re-married, and he was reared by his step-father, and when about six years of age the family moved to Mitchell county, Iowa, where our subject grew to manhood. He worked at farm work, and later took charge of his step-father's farm. He went to Fargo, North Dakota, in 1879, arriving May 30, with three horses and a wagon, and about forty dollars in money. After prospecting north from Fargo to Grand Forks, he returned to Fargo, and then journeyed to Buffalo, Cass county, where in that county he took a preemption claim and resided six months, returning to Iowa in December, 1879. The following spring he went to Cass county, and in the spring of 1881 went to Ransom county, and settled on his homestead which he had located, on the banks of Maple river, in October, 1880, and where he still resides. He now owns two hundred and forty acres of land in Eddy and Ransom counties, and usual crops about three  hundred acres of land. His residence in 1898 was included within the new limits of the city of Enderlin.

Our subject was married, February 26, 1881, to Miss Agnes Seeverts. Mr. and Mrs. Gullicksen have been the parents of six children, as follows: Edward R., Seevert, B., Bertha, Mabel, Knute and Otto. Mr. Gullicksen is a member of the Lutheran church. He takes a prominent part in all public affairs, and assisted in the organization of the township, and served as a township officer continuously until 1898, when his residence was included in Enderlin, since which time he has been identified with the public movements of that thriving city. He has always been a hearty supporter of all public enterprises which had for their object the up building of the locality, and is well known as a public-spirited and worthy citizen. Politically he is a Republican, and is an attendant as a delegate to most of the conventions of the party in that county.

HON. ERICK GUNDERSON. one of the most successful farmers of Ransom county, was the first settler of Liberty township. He has steadily improved his property, but at all times considered it necessary that he keep from debt and he is now the owner of one of the finest farms of that region.

Our subject was born on the farm Moc, near the city of Kongsunger, Norway, May 28, 1844, and was the oldest son and second child in a family of seven children born to Gunder E. and Elen (Ele) Moe. His parents are now living in Minnesota, at the advanced age of eighty-five years. When our subject was seventeen years of age the family came to America and remained one summer in Beloit, Wisconsin, thence moving to Madison, Wisconsin, where our subject and his father worked at day labor. After about three years they changed their home to Mitchell county, Iowa, where they attempted farming, and after seven or eight years they located in Chippewa county, Minnesota, where our subject obtained land and engaged in farming. He became discouraged in Minnesota and in the spring of 1878 took a tree claim in Cass county, North Dakota, near Buffalo, and turned the first furrow in that part of Cass county. He returned to his home and sold his tree claim right and in the spring of 1880 went to Ransom county and took a pre-emption to the land on which he now resides. After selling his tree claim he started to Dakota with thirty-three dollars and he secured three horses, harness and feed and at once began the improvement of his farm. He built a iox 12-foot sod shanty and a sod barn and his family joined him about February, 1881. Times were hard and there were but few settlers and he worked some for others and steadily improved his own place. He now has four hundred and eighty acres of land, on which, in 1893, he built a comfortable dwelling, valued at one thousand dollars, and in 1897 erected the best barn in the township. This structure is 60x66 feet, with a stone basement and room for about thirty horses and forty cattle and storage for one hundred tons of hay. His present fine property represents the industry and careful management of our subject.

Mr. Gunderson was married, in 1871. to Miss Sarah Everson. The following children have been born to bless their home: George. Charles. Alfred, Lida, Emma, Ida, Eddie, Clara and Minnie. Mr. Gunderson is a member of the Norwegian Lutheran church and takes a prominent part in church matters. He has served as township treasurer and is a man of active public spirit. He was elected to the state legislature in 1894 and did very efficient work there. Politically, he is a Republican and has served as delegate to county and state conventions and is a member of the county central committee.




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