Search for John Tippen
Sherwood, N. D., Nov. 16.�All day Sunday searching parties were engaged in this district in an effort to discover the remains of John Tippen, who disappeared five weeks since and who was supposed to have died on the prairie of exposure. Although the country was thoroughly scoured for miles around, no trace was found of the missing man. Tippen was subject to epileptic fits an it was supposed that he had wandered from his home while in that condition. The Evening Times November 16, 1908
Horses Died
Sherwood, N. D., Feb. 7.�Charles Stanley and his little son Earl, were caught in the snow storm within a half mile of home when their team lost the trail and floundered in the deep snow. Unable to get the horses up, Mr. Stanley unfastened the harness from them and with his son managed to make his way to a fence that he knew was nearby, and followed It home. He then made his way back to where he had left the team with the Intention of taking It home. One horse had gotten up and gone away, but the other was still in the snow. He helped it up but was not able to get it home. Next day he found the horses about a mile apart and got them into his barn, but they were badly chilled and both have died. Grand Forks Daily Herald February 7, 1916