Bismarck Daily Tribune Monday June 9, 1902
Cando has resolved against dogs running at large without licenses.
Pembina county will elect delegates to the state convention June 19th.
The capital of the Bank of Leeds has been increased from $5,000 to $25,000.
A local organization of grocers has been organized in Jamestown.
The W. C. ?. U. appeals for Sunday closing of business houses at Williston.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Blewett of Jamestown are visiting in Portland, Oregon.
Andrew Kitletune, a farm hand in Griggs county was killed by the accidental discharge of a rifle.
According to the Nelson County Independent the Cathay Bee is dead and the young lady editor has resumed school teaching.
Mr. Z. Davidson of Minnewaukan announces his candidacy for the state senate from that district and Editor Miller of the Siftings vouches for him.
M. Brumer of Dickey county, fearful of some impending calamity, jumped into a fifty foot well with four feet of water in it, but was fished out and sent to the asylum.
Fireman Will McGillivray of Jamestown was badly burned by the explosion of gasoline. Willie was filling the gasoline stove while smoking a cigarette.
The city council of East Grand
Forks is sore at the Plaindealer, and a member of the body threatens to throw out the representative of the paper the next time he shows up there. The Plaindealer has been criticizing the council.
Allen Blood is suing Chief of Police Murphy of Moorhead for damages for injuries claimed to have been received from the policeman's club. The trial is progressing in U. S. court at Fargo.
John E. McNamara, formerly postmaster at Portal who pleaded guilty Tuesday to embezzlement of post office funds, was sentenced by Judge Amidon of the United States district court to nine months in the Grand Forks county jail and fined $1,800.
Bismarck Tribune Friday September 18, 1914
A Fargo woman while cleaning lamps set one on the stove. The heat exploded it and the burning oil made quite a conflagration though it was soon extinguished.
When C. H. Skaggs of Tolna was clearing his binder sickle bar his team took fright and started to run. He was caught by the guards which punctured his legs above the knees while the knives lacerated his legs below the knees.
It is reported that the "jungles" at Rugby was the scene of a holdup stunt one night this week when two fellows walked in and made the six sleeping men there get up and "come across" No clues have been found as to the guilty parties.
George Ranes and Harold Webster of Lisbon were quite badly injured when a motorcycle they were riding ran into a rut and threw them both off with terrific force. The accident happened near Enderlin. Ranes had one of his feet crushed.
Earl Harris was arrested at Warwick in connection with liquor violations, which cost the life of one man entered a plea of guilty to the charge of bootlegging. He was sentenced to serve six months in the state penitentiary by Judge C. W. Buttz.
Wistrom Bros. drug store at Minot was entered and looted of jewelry and cash the total value of booty amounting to about $125.00. Five gold watches, a couple of dollar watches and seven or eight dollars in nickels and dimes wee stolen. The thief or thieves forced open the back door and gained entrance.
G. Mahas, a Greek section hand of White Earth was riding on the front of a hand car near Purdon, a siding west of White Earth, in some unknown manner fell off and was run over by the car, and died thirty minutes later. County Coroner Brigham of Ross, held an inquest and the jury's verdict was "accidental death." The remains were buried in White Earth.
Freeman Alexander, a colored spike pitcher in a threshing crew near Grafton is in jail awaiting trial for attacking a fellow worker with a pitchfork. Alexander didn't like the way Alfred Knosky drove his bundle wagon up to the machine and attacked Knosky with his fork. One of Knosky's hands was lacerated and it was necessary to amputate one finger.
The firm of Opsahl and Rud of Cartwright had another attack of hard luck. A few weeks ago a gasoline explosion destroyed their warehouse and burned Mr Rud so badly that he is still in a Williston hospital. Last week fire totally destroyed their store building with most of the stock and general merchandise and hardware.
Hannah, word comes from Scott Sask, that Walter Frederickson, who some years ago was foreman of the Moon, has enlisted with the Canadian volunteers and is now on the way to the front. If the orders to draft all able bodied men are issued a goodly number of young men who were formerly Cavalier county residents will be taken.
Ten men held at Adams ND in connection with the alleged murder of Robert Gilbreath of Grafton, were released when an official investigation determined that Gilbreath's death was caused by acute alcoholism. Officials supposed it was a case of murder because they found a bruise on Gilbreath's head, but this apparently was caused by a fall from the freight car.
The Russell-Miller Milling Company's newly equipped Diamond Mill at Grand Forks has completed the first week's run on full time, night and day, and according to Manager Kavanaugh the new machinery is working to perfection. With a few stops in order to adjust different pieces of machinery and "tune up" others, the mill has run without ceasing for a week and the output has been up to the expectations.
Mrs. Albert Wolf, wife of a farmer south of Medina, and her two little girls had a thrilling time with a prairie fire recently. They saw it coming over the hill near the house burning fiercely in the long grass, and driven by a strong wind. Mrs. Wolf sent one of the little girls for aid while she and the other girl fought the flames with wet sacks as best they could. They succeeded in putting out the blaze just as help arrived, but the escape was exceedingly narrow.
William Engel, a transient laborer was brutally assaulted and robbed of $40. by a companion in the Soo yards at Omemee. The thug struck him over the head with some blunt instrument and Failing to stun him cut him about the head and arms with a knife. Engel finally drew the money from him and ran up town for assistance. In the meantime the brute escaped and has not as yet been captured. Engel had fed and given the man money for several days.
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