Trails to the Past

North Dakota

Steele County




Steele County North Dakota Obituaries


Gilmore, Mrs. William Gilmore died of heart failure at her home in this city Wednesday afternoon. For some time she has been in feeble health, but Wednesday morning, she appeared if anything to be a  little better than usual and was able to take her dinner with the balance of the family. About 4:30 in the afternoon, while sitting and conversing with other members of the family, her head fell forward and she became unconscious. She lingered about two hours.

Mrs. Gilmore was born May 10, 1830, in Jamestown, N. Y., and was married Feb. 35, 1855. Her husband survives her and also eight children. The latter are Evan C. Gilmore, of Llewelyan, Minn ; Mrs. H. B. Thomas, of Hope; John Y. Gilmore, of Hope; Mrs. H. P. Tood, of Elba, Minn.; Will Ervin and Miss Alta Gilmore of Hope, and Geo. A. Gilmore of Mohall.

Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore came to North Dakota in 1882. first locating at Tower City, where they lived for several years, afterwards going to Hope. For a number of years they have resided in this city. The deceased was an earnest Christian and has been a faithful member of the M. E, church for more than sixty years. She was a kind and loving mother, a devoted wife and good neighbor. The funeral will be held from the M. E. church Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Hope Pioneer March 26, 1903

Larson, At the Darrow Hospital at Moorhead, last Friday morning, Mrs. Larson, wife of Mikkel Larson, passed peacefully and quietly to her heavenly home. Mrs. Larson has been suffering with stomach trouble for a year, and everything possible had been done for her relief. It seemed from the first that medical assistance was fighting against the inevitable Cancer of the stomach proved to be the trouble that caused her death. The deceased was born, in Denmark sixty years ago. After living there twenty-two years she came to this country, making her home in Wisconsin until 1883, when, with her husband, she moved to Steele County, here together they toiled and built a comfortable home. One daughter was born to bless their happy home, who, with her father, are left to mourn this loss. The home has been one of the exceptions; peace, joy and contentment has ever reigned, but now stern death has called the loving mother and wife away.

Mrs. Larson was one of the few who always found good in everyone. She was always thoughtful of others, and ever ready to do for some one. Her home will sadly mourn because she is not there. Her many friends and neighbors will miss a gentle and kind neighbor. No one has ever had occasion to say an unkind thing of Mrs. Larson. It is hard for her loved ones to give her up, but she is better off than they. She was ready to go, and her countenance was lighted up with a radiant smile when she closed her eyes in death. Rev. Vance, pastor of the Baldwin and Colgate Presbyterian' churches, assisted by Rev. Gilpatrick, conducted the funeral services in the Congregational church at Hope on Monday, March 23rd. The remains were laid to rest in the Hope Cemetery. Hope Pioneer March 26, 1903




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