Trails to the Past

North Dakota

Ward County




Hussey---Tuesday at Des Lacs occurred the death of J. C. Hussey, one of the old residents of that section of the county, Mr. Hussey has been ailing for some time, he was 73 years of age and came to Des Lacs about twelve years ago with his family and settled south of the city a few miles on a farm where he has continually resided. J. C. Hussey was a veteran of the Civil war, having served in the 72nd Infantry, Indiana, for a period of three years, after which he received an honorable discharge, he was a native of Indiana, but emigrated to Dakota during the big land rush some years ago. He was a highly respected citizen and loved by all, was a prominent Mason and a member of the Berthold lodge. The funeral will be held today at Des Lacs under the auspices of the Masonic Order the Berthold lodge having charge. There are his wife, two sons and two daughters, William and Harold, and Mrs.  Kincade and Mrs. T. E. Fox to mourn the loss. The sympathy of the entire community Is extended to the family in their sad bereavement.  Mr. and Mrs. Fox passed thru Minot enroute to Des Lacs yesterday to attend the funeral. The Ward County Independent November 21, 1912


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