Trails to the Past

Wells County North Dakota

1885 Dakota Territory CensusPage 1


Name Age Relationship Occupation Birthplace Residence
Armstrong, R. 26 Head Farmer Canada Wells
Atherton, E. A. 38 Head Carpenter VT Wells
Athon, Newton 41 Head County officer England Wells
Baines, G. H. 37 Head Farmer England Wells
Baker, Thos. W. 25 Head Liveryman IA Wells
Baker, Santee 23 Wife   IL Wells
Baker, George 23 Head Farmer IA Wells
Baker, Walter 18 Brother Farmer MN Wells
Bausch, Jacob 29 Head Farmer NY Wells
Belivan, Fred 25 Head   Canada Wells
Bilodeau, Chas. 39 Head Farmer Canada Wells
Bilodeau, Rose 29 Wife   Canada Wells
Boltiu, Joseph 32 Head Farmer OH Wells
Boltiu, Carrie 19 Wife   WI Wells
Bousch, A. 63 Head Farmer Germany Wells
Bradt, Thos. J. 51 Head   Canada Wells
Brindleson, G. 26 Head Farmer WI Wells
Briton, M. 39 Head Farmer MI Wells
Briton, Rose 35 Wife   NY Wells
Briton, Pearl 10 Daughter   MI Wells
Briton, Ward 8 Son   MI Wells
Briton, Flora 6 Daughter   MI Wells
Briton, Russell 3 Son   MI Wells
Briton, Chas. 4 Son   MI Wells
Briton, Rusell Wells 1 Son   Dakota Wells
Bronson, C. R. 43 Head Carpenter VT Wells
Bronson, Emma 40 Wife   Canada Wells
Bronson, Maud 12 Daughter   VT Wells
Bronson, Carrie 9 Daughter   VT Wells
Bronson, Jennie 27 Head   VT Wells
Brown, C. V. 26 Head Registrar of deeds IL Wells
Brynjulson, Geo. 25 Head Farmer Norway Wells
Butts, D. J. 50 Head Farmer IN Wells
Butts, Ellen E. 47 Wife   OH Wells
Butts, Arthur 16 Son   MN Wells
Butts, Frank 13 Son   MN Wells
Butts, Rubie 11 Son   MN Wells
Carr, Grace 25 Boarder   MI Wells
Chaffee, F. N. 26 Head Farmer VT Wells
Chaffu, Mary 21 Wife Farmer VT Wells
Chaffu, Chas. 21 Brother Farmer VT Wells
Chambers, Daniel 29 Head Farmer MN Wells
Chartier, Will 23 Head Farmer Canada Wells
Chartier, Mamie 19 Wife   IL Wells
Chess, H. B. 32 Head Loafer MN Wells
Chess, Hattie 22 Wife   MN Wells
Cleaver, E. E. 21 Head Farmer WI Wells
Cole, S. W. 42 Head   OH Wells
Cole, Mary B. 39 Wife   NY Wells
Cole, E. A. 9 Son   PA Wells
Cole, Lenore 3 Daughter   PA Wells
Cravath, M. A. 20 Head Farmer ME Wells
Cravath, F. J. 24 Head Farmer ME Wells
Davis, David L. 40 Head Farmer Wales Wells
Davis, Annie 40 Wife   Wales Wells
Davis, D. L. 16 Son   Wales Wells
Davis, Cora L. 11 Daughter   Wales Wells
Davis, James E. 9 Son   Wales Wells
DeLaud, C. E. 41 Head Farmer NY Wells
DeLaud, Grace E. 46 Wife   ME Wells
DeLaud, Clara 12 Daughter   PA Wells
Denzer, F. H. 31 Head Farmer OH Wells
Denzer, Barbara 25 Wife   ME Wells
Denzer, Maville 3 Daughter   Dakota Wells
Denzer, John 1 year 6 months Son   Dakota Wells
Dethloff, F. 31 Head Farmer Germany Wells
Dethloff, Lizzie 32 Wife   Germany Wells
Dethloff, Louis 4 Son   WI Wells
Dethloff, Emma 2 Daughter   WI Wells
Dethloff, Lewis 23 Head Farmer WI Wells
Dickey, Robert 24 Head Farmer Canada Wells
Dodswoth, (no first name) 28 Head Farmer MN Wells
Dufresne, Alfred 30 Head Farmer Canada Wells
Erickson, John 26 Head Farmer Sweden Wells
Evans, Edwin C. 29 Head Farmer ME Wells
Evans, Mary 23 Wife   ME Wells
Evans, Frank 1 Son   Dakota Wells
Evans, E. 29 Head Farmer MN Wells
Foster, George 34 Head Carpenter NY Wells
Graupman, F. 49 Head Farmer Germany Wells
Graupman, Maria 47 Wife   Germany Wells
Graupman, Chas. 23 Son   WI Wells
Graupman, Otto 21 Son   WI Wells
Graupman, Fred 18 Son   WI Wells
Graupman, John 15 Son   WI Wells
Graupman, Frank 11 Son   WI Wells
Griffith, Robert 25 Head Farmer Wales Wells
Haiter, Harvey 32 Head Farmer OH Wells
Harding, Thos. 40 Head   England Wells
Harding, Mary 42 Wife   England Wells
Harding, Harry 16 Son   England Wells
Harding, Samuel 12 Son   England Wells
Harding, Edgar 11 Son   England Wells
Harding, Maville 10 Daughter   England Wells
Harding, Robert 6 Son   England Wells
Harding, Marie 5 Daughter   England Wells
Harding, Chas. 3 Son   England Wells
Hardy, J. P. 49 Head Farmer IN Wells
Hardy, Mary A. 49 Wife   NY Wells
Hardy, L. 20 Son   IL Wells
Hardy, John H. 10 Son   MO Wells

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