Trails to the Past

North Dakota

Williams County





Ireland - Hartman
A quiet wedding, but one of interest to the many friends of the young couple, took place Monday morning at the Episcopal church of this city, when the Rev. Mr. Elsworth united in marriage Miss Sylvia Hartman and Sergeant Fred Ireland. The Episcopal wedding service was read in the presence of the bride’s family and a few friends, the bride being attended by Miss Mary Rhodes, while Mr. Shirley McWilliams acted as best man. Mrs. Ireland was a Williston girl, with a large circle of friends in this city, among whom she ls very popular. She graduated from the Williston schools, and has been teaching at Missouri Ridge. The groom, who recently returned from France after seventeen months service, is a young man of estimable character, and a valiant soldier. Serg, and Mrs. Ireland left Monday for Santa Paula, California, where they expect to remain for about two months, after which they will return to make their home on the groom’s farm near Wildrose. Their many friends wish them a long and happy journey over life’s highway. Williston Graphic May 15, 1919



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