Trails to the Past

Billings County North Dakota

1885 Dakota Territory Census Page 1


Name Age Occupation Birthplace Residence
Adle, Joweph W. 40 Hunter NY Billings
Alexander, Peter 39 Cowboy MO Billings
Almer, Ed. 26   MN Billings
Alvis, Rich 33 Cowboy Scotland Billings
Alvis, Elizabeth 30   Scotland Billings
Alvis, Harriet 7   Canada Billings
Alvis, Anna 6   Canada Billings
Alvis, Alice 5   Canada Billings
Alvis, Eunice 3   Canada Billings
Alvis, Alex 1   Canada Billings
Anderson, Scotty 28 Cowboy Scotland Billings
Anderson, Carl 22 RR Norway Billings
Anderson, An L. 47 Hotel VT Billings
Anderson, F. B. 22 Salesman WI Billings
Anderson, Caroline 20 Laundress Norway Billings
Anderson, Gus 26 Carpenter Norway Billings
Anderson, C. H. 24 Carpenter Norway Billings
Anderson, Bertha 27   IL Billings
Anderson, Oloff 7   MN Billings
Anderson, Clara 5   MN Billings
Appelyehus, Alic 19 Cowboy NY Billings
Bailery, C. V. 28 Herder IA Billings
Baker, William 35 RR Ireland Billings
Bamb, S. B. 22 Ranchman OH Billings
Barker, Henry 25 Machinist England Billings
Bechnell, George 22 Cowboy NY Billings
Beckwith, E. F. 19 Herder MN Billings
Bellinger, N. 24 Brickmaker WI Billings
Bemaunt, James 34 Cowboy Canada Billings
Bennett, Harry 20 Cowboy OH Billings
Berg, Cristina 30   Norway Billings
Biers, J. A. 23 Farmer NY Billings
Birch, Henry 30 Brickmason Norway Billings
Bird, H. 45 Butcher England Billings
Black, F. P. 29 Herder Foreign Billings
Bloom, Mary 40 Hotel girl Germany Billings
Bloom, John 28 Brickmason Sweden Billings
Boice, J. C. 31 Herder NH Billings
Boland, Pierce 28 Cowboy WI Billings
Bond, Gorman 20 Horse breeder MA Billings
Book, Peter J. 35 Mason & builder Germany Billings
Book, Minnie C. 36   Germany Billings
Book, Lucy E. 3   Dakota Billings
Bowers, L. S. 49 Cowboy NC Billings
Bowers, Ella D 44   NC Billings
Bowers, Estella 20   NC Billings
Bowers, Maud J. 19   NC Billings
Bowers, Henry J. 16   NC Billings
Bowers, Geo. 14   SC Billings
Bowers, Thomas 11   SC Billings
Bowers, Simeon 9   SC Billings
Bowers, Judas 7   SC Billings
Bowers, Emaniel 5   SC Billings
Bowers, Calvin 3   SC Billings
Bowers, Stella 1   SC Billings
Boyd, Hugh 26 Farmer Canada Billings
Boyd, Archy 39 Hotel Canada Billings
Boyd, Margret E. 20   Canada Billings
Bray, Z. E. 23 Herder IL Billings
Briggs, Myron     CT Billings
Brophy, Annie 18 Dining room girl MN Billings
Brophy, Mary 22 Dining room girl MN Billings
Brown, Henry 32 RR Ireland Billings
Brown, C. E. 49 Laborer NY Billings
Brown, Cora 22   NY Billings
Brown, Geo. 20   NY Billings
Brown, Mary Ann 19   NY Billings
Brown, Eliza 16   IL Billings
Brown, Louise 13   IL Billings
Brown, Simeon J. 12   IL Billings
Brown, Ethel 8   IN Billings
Brown, Maude M. 6   IN Billings
Brown, Sophia 3   Dakota Billings
Brown, Mary 22 Chambermaid Ireland Billings
Brown, Peter 36 Laborer Ireland Billings
Brown, Eggard 29   Ireland Billings
Brown, Orfy 12   Ireland Billings
Brown, Oloff 10   Ireland Billings
Brown, Alice 8   Ireland Billings
Brown, Julia 7   Ireland Billings
Brown, Charlie 3   MN Billings
Brown, Thos. 22 Cowboy Ireland Billings
Brunson, Charls 27 Cook NJ Billings
Buck, M. 27 Laborer IN Billings
Bullion, John 31 Cowboy Canada Billings
Burch, Peter 33 Cook AL Billings
Butler, Danual 21 Cowboy MA Billings
Butler, J. B. 40 Carpenter England Billings
Butler, Julia 45   Ireland Billings
Campbell, W. R. 17 Herder MN Billings
Campbell, Clark 25 Coal miner PA Billings
Campbell, Annie B. 25   PA Billings
Campbell, Wm. 36 Teamster Canada Billings
Campbell, Alice 32   Canada Billings
Campbell, Ester 10   Canada Billings
Campbell, Viola 8   Canada Billings
Campbell, Sarah 7   Canada Billings
Campbell, Calla 5   Canada Billings
Campbell, John 3   MN Billings
Campbell, George 1   Dakota Billings
Campbell, P. E. 24 Carpenter Canada Billings

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