Trails to the Past

Billings County North Dakota

1885 Dakota Territory Census Page 5


Name Age Occupation Birthplace Residence
March, John 29 Teamster IL Billings
Mardis, G. 29 Herder KS Billings
Martin, David M. 25 Cowboy IL Billings
Martin, James 38 RR NY Billings
Martin, Mary 23   NY Billings
Martin, John 8   Dakota Billings
Martin, Martha 6   Dakota Billings
Martin, Jennett 3   Dakota Billings
Mason, Charls 32 Cowboy NY Billings
Mattimore, John 28 Salesman OH Billings
Mattoc, Jane E. 36 Cattle breeding England Billings
Maxwell, J. N. 24 RR agent NPRR IL Billings
McAdam, Edward 21 Cowboy IA Billings
McAdam, John 29 Cowboy IA Billings
McCaul, Joseph E. 27 Ranchman Canada Billings
McDonald, M. W. 47 Cook Ireland Billings
McGee, John 30 Builder & contractor Canada Billings
McGraw, Patric 26 RR MN Billings
McGriger, Thomas 26 Cowboy Canada Billings
McGrigor, John A. 34 Carpenter Canada Billings
McGrigor, Emma M. 30   OH Billings
McKinze, D. 35 Blacksmith Canada Billings
Mclellan, C. W. 40   Canada Billings
McShane, James 58 Laborer Ireland Billings
Merrifield, William 26 Stockman Canada Billings
Meyers, George 22 Cowboy OH Billings
Meyers, E. 27 Butcher WI Billings
Meyers, Joe 23 Cowboy IL Billings
Mikelson, Elias 25 Laborer IA Billings
Mikelson, Annie 25   Norway Billings
Miller, H. S. 20 Cowboy OH Billings
Minty, Walter H. 24 Telegraphing NY Billings
Mitchell, Olver 47 Cowboy NJ Billings
Mitchell, Stella 42   IL Billings
Mitchell, Mary     IL Billings
Mitchell, Eugene 10   IL Billings
Mitchell, Clara 17   IL Billings
Mitchell, Ethel 14   IL Billings
Mitchell, Georgia 10   IL Billings
Mitchell, Henry 4   IL Billings
Mixter, John 28 RR Canada Billings
Montgomery, James 36 RR   Billings
Moore, Bruce 18 Herder Dakota Billings
Moore, Frank S. 35 Ranchman OH Billings
Moore, George D. 67 Ranchman OH Billings
Moore, John H. 38 Ranchman OH Billings
Moore, Lydia A. 63   OH Billings
Moorhead, David 32 Butcher Ireland Billings
Morey, Charles E. 30 Cowboy CO Billings
Morris, Levi 38 Laborer IN Billings
Morris, Johanna 37   IN Billings
Morris, Caleb 17   IN Billings
Morris, Mary 14   IN Billings
Morris, Alice 13   IN Billings
Morris, Alford 12   IN Billings
Morris, Lochanet 8   IN Billings
Morris, Absolon 4   IN Billings
Morris, Jennie 3   Dakota Billings
Morrison, J. G. C. 50 Ranchman NY Billings
Morrison, John 52 Ranchman NY Billings
Morrison, Allice 24 Cook MO Billings
Morton, Janie 21 Dining room girl IL Billings
Mullens, Mikel 22 Butcher Canada Billings
Mundy, Elizabeth 35 Housekeeper KY Billings
Munro, John 23 Ranchman Canada Billings
Murphy, F. 37 Herder Ireland Billings
Murphy, Pat 30 Cowboy Ireland Billings
Murphy, Bridget 29   Ireland Billings
Murphy, Mike 9   Ireland Billings
Murphy, Pat 8   NY Billings
Murphy, Bridget 6   NY Billings
Murphy, Anna 4   NY Billings
Murphy, Ella 2   NY Billings
Murphy, Bob 1   Dakota Billings
Murran, Paul 35 RR Ireland Billings
Murran, Devine 23   MN Billings
Murran, Maggie 3   MN Billings
Murran, Mary 2   Dakota Billings
Murran, W. P. 22 RR Canada Billings
Murray, James 22 RR Ireland Billings
Murrey, W. S. 32 Cowboy MN Billings
Naterson, Henry 25   England Billings
Nearing, Charls 31   CT Billings
Newton, Edger 26 Cowboy VT Billings
Newton, Hattie 12   WI Billings
Newton, Harvy G. 3   MN Billings
Newton, Linley O. 8/12 Oct   Dakota Billings
Noble, Andy 21 Servant NY Billings
Norman, A. A. 28 Carpenter Sweden Billings
Norris, John T. 57 Barber PA Billings
Nugent, Lavell 22 Cowboy Ireland Billings
O'Hagen, John 27 Cowboy Canada Billings
O'Hara, Patrick 39 Coal miner Ireland Billings
O'Hara, Emeline 34   OH Billings
O'Hara, John 14 Printer MN Billings
O'Hara, Rachel 13   IA Billings
O'Hara, James 11   IA Billings
O'Hara, Edward 7   IA Billings
O'Hara, Hugh 4   MN Billings
O'Hara, Augusta 1   Dakota Billings

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