Trails to the Past

North Dakota

Burleigh County






Duus, Olav, The funeral services for Olav Duus were held Sunday afternoon from E. G. Field's undertaking rooms under the auspices of the Typographical union of which the deceased was a member.  Rev. O. F. Jones conducted the services.  Quite a number of people were present and a large display of floral offerings, among which was a beautiful wreath.  The internment was in theFairview cemetery.  Bismarck Daily Tribune Tuesday February 11, 1908

Engdahl, Mrs., a 90 year old homesteader, lost her way or died from sudden illness.  Word reached the city last night that Mrs Engdahl mother of C. O. Engdahl of Cromwell township, had been found dead on the prairie Saturday afternoon about half way between her homestead and the home of Jack Sears, the supposition being that she was on her way to the latter's place.  The body was found by a Mr. Brown.

Mrs. Engdahl was about 90 years old and lived alone on her claim.  A neighbor called at her home Wednesday, but failed to find her at home and it is thought that she must have started out that day, and it is thought, either became bewildered, and lost her way, or was overcome by sickness and sudden death.  The body had probably had probably laid on the prairie four days.  The weather has been clear and mild and she could not have met her death from exposure.  Coroner Field went out yesterday morning and at the time of going to press he had not returned to the city.  Bismarck Daily Tribune Tuesday January 14, 1908.

Haines, Mrs. Anna E died yesterday morning at the residence of her son Hiram.  Grandma Haines as she was familiarly called, was born in Schoricharie county New York, April 7, 1802.  At the age of 55 years, she removed to Wisconsin and afterward to Minnesota.  In the spring of 1880, she came to Bismarck, and in the same year united by certificate with the Methodist church of this city in which she remained a consistent member until her death.  She was greatly beloved by all who knew her .  The funeral services will be held at the Methodist church tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.  Bismarck Daily Tribune Saturday January 18, 1896

Higbee, E. D. --- Friday afternoon, at the home of his son-in-law, B. Pickering, at Magnus, E. D. Higbee, aged 81, died of senility. Mr. Higbee had been in this state for three years, having come from central Iowa to make his home with a daughter. The funeral arrangements are under way and the body will be shipped to Iowa Sunday morning. Bismarck Daily Tribune February 3, 1912

Lawrence, Sam B., one of Burleigh County's oldest and most highly respected farmers died at about 4 o'clock yesterday morning at his home four miles southwest of the city. Mr. Lawrence came to Burleigh county in 1892, and for eleven years has been among the county farming population.  Mr. Lawrence was 77 years of age and leaves a wife to mourn his decease.  The funeral will occur from the farmhouse Sunday afternoon  Bismarck Daily Tribune Saturday May 13, 1893

Mandigo, Fidelia, the funeral of Mrs. Fidelia Mandigo will be held from the Methodist Church Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock.  Mrs. Mandigo was born in Montreal, October 19, 1845.  December 28, 1869 she married G. M. Mandigo and came to the territory of Dakota and settled near Braddock in 1886 where they lived until six years ago when they came to Bismarck.  She leaves a husband, mother, two sisters, three brothers, three sons, one daughter and five grandchildren.  During her residence here she made many friends and the survivors have a host of sympathizers in their loss.  Bismarck Tribune Thursday April 15, 1905.

Rohrer, William -- Friday evening, February 2, William Rohrer, one of the pioneers of this section, died of tuberculosis after an illness of three years. He leaves surviving him two brothers, A. B. and S. D. Rohrer of this city, and one sister, Mrs. A Van Horn, wife of Archie Van Horn, besides numerous relatives and friends in his former home. Mr. Rohrer spent nearly 22 years in McLean and Burleigh counties, coming to Bismarck three years ago. He was well and favorably known in both counties and leaves many friends to mourn him. The funeral will take place from the Field's undertaking parlors, Monday, February 5, at 9:30 a. m. Bismarck Daily Tribune February 3, 1912





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