Trails to the Past

North Dakota

Ramsey County




Furniture Store Catches on Fire
About 11:00 Monday the fire whistle sounded and the firemen were quick to respond, and the fire was found to be in the big furniture store of E. W. Gilbertson and adjoining the fire hall. The fire being so near and was noticed so quick that the wagon was not taken out, but the fire company was right on the ground to help extinguish the small blaze. The fire was located from smoke coming from under the floor and was caused by the furnace in the boiler room of the store.  It was quickly put out, but not before considerable damage was done by the smoke. The damage will not be heavy and is fully protected by insurance. Mr. Gilbertson announces that he will put on a fire sale soon in order to clean up the damaged stock for what he can get. Devils Lake Inter-Ocean Thursday April 20, 1916 


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