Trails to the Past

North Dakota

Ramsey County




Haley, Peter  Again the people of Devils Lake and Ramsey county are called upon to mourn the death of one of its most highly respected citizens, and one who has been identified with the up building and growth of the city and county.  Peter Haley, one of the old timers and an old soldier, passed away at his home in this city Saturday morning, April 15, after a sickness of only two weeks’ duration, the immediate cause of his death being bright’s disease.  Mr. Haley was born in Carlysle, N.Y. June 12, 1840 and lived with his father until the war broke out when he volunteered his services to his country and served with honor and credit for four long years and many times was in the thickest of the battle. He was a member of Co. C. 144th regiment of New York. After the war he located at Blooming Prairie, Minn., where he was married to Caroline Patte, and later he engaged in business at Austin, Minn.

He came with his family to Devils Lake and in 1889 established himself in the implement business in this city and for many years was one of our well known business men. His reputation for honesty and fair dealing made him a large circle of friends and his business grew to be one of the leading implement houses in this part of the state. A few years ago his little partner passed away, and owing to his increasing years he decided to retire from active business and turned his implement business to his son, Clarence, who is now conducting it. He leaves two children, Clarence and Miss Nettie, who is assistant cashier of the First National Bank of this city, and a grandson, Wendell, who is attending college at Washington, D. C., a sister, Mrs. Tyler of Duluth and a brother, Martin, of St. Paul.

Mr. Haley was a member of the local blue lodge, Chapter, Commandery and Shrine and was also a member of the Masonic Veterans’ Association and of the local G. A. R.

The funeral services were held in the Masonic temple of this city and were conducted by the Knights Templar, as this was the request of the deceased and Sir Knight Clarence A.  Hale took charge of the ceremonies, this also being a request of Mr. Haley.  The various Masonic bodies were out in large numbers and the crowd was a large one as he was a man who was highly respected by all who knew him, and all were anxious to pay their last respects to their departed friend and brother. After the regular Masonic ceremonies at the Temple the quartette rendered beautiful hymns and Mrs. C. A. Conant sang a solo.  Rev. Wallace of Park River delivered a brief, yet splendid sermon, and the remains were followed to their last resting place in the G. A. R. Cemetery where the last Masonic rites were pronounced, and Rev. F. H. Oehler delivered the closing prayer.

It was one of the largest funerals seen in our city for some time, and only went to show the high esteem in which the deceased was held. Active pall bearers were: A. J. Stade, C. W. Kelley, C. W. Greene. W. H. Reid, J. R. Koller, W. K. Nimmo. Honorary pall bearers were: H. E.  Baird, Richard Daeley, J. R. Collinson, Frank Pitcher, Alex McLean, Norman Morrison, D. M. Holmes, Grand Forks, Past Grand Commander K. T. North Dakota. Finley Cameron, of Grand Forks, Past E. C. St. Aldemar Commandery, Grand Forks. G. A. R. honorary pall bearers were D. G. Duell, Albert Roberts, James B McCormick, Frank Palmer, F. W Mann, W. H. Bell, L. Palmer, W. Whitcomb, Gray, Clark. Ushers: Robert Collinson, R. V Bice, Thomas Turner, Albert H. Bell Music was furnished by A. L. Johnson, Hans Moe, Mrs. Simonstad and Mrs. Miller.  Devils Lake Inter-Ocean Thursday April 20, 1916




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