Trails to the Past

North Dakota

Ramsey County




Hullett - Gray
A very pretty wedding occurred at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr.  and Mrs. T. M. Gray of Brocket Friday, April 7, at high noon when their daughter Myma Maude, was given in marriage to David Hullett of Lakota.  Ferns and bridal roses decorated the parlor where the family and relatives witnessed the ceremony. As Miss Vennie Gray played the opening measures of Lohengren wedding march, the bride and groom attended by Miss Mary Sanders and Mr. Roy Gray with little Helen Gray as ring bearer, were met by Rev. Harvey H. Newman who read the marriage service. The altar was an unusual arrangement of white and green archway, decorated with ferns and the white wedding bell. The bride wore a dainty gown of white voile and lace. Over her bridal veil was a wreath of lilies of the valley. She carried a bride’s bouquet of Following the ceremony a three course dinner was served by Mrs. Sanders, assisted by the Misses Beatrice Hullet and Vinnie Gray. Devils Lake Inter-Ocean Thursday April 20, 1916

Locke - Gunderson
At the splendid Gunderson home in Devils Lake yesterday occurred the marriage of Miss Nellie Gunderson and Raymond Locke, both popular young people of that city. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Baaron in the presence of an invited company of seventy-five guests and the bride’s only attendant was the groom’s sister. Miss Lillian Locke, who wore a dainty bridesmaid’s frock of pale blue messaline. The bride wore soft white satin with an arm bouquet of carnations and the groom’s escort was George Gunderson, brother of the bride. A sumptuous wedding dinner followed the nuptial service.  The Evening Times October 20, 1911

Neumanns - Sparks
At Minneapolis April 12, occurred the marriage of Miss Gladys Sparks and Mr. Paul A. Neumanns. Miss Sparks is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Sparks, well known residents of this city, and she is also a sister of Mesdames John Flummerfelt, Wm. Foote, C. J. B. Turner and Allie Bond. For sometime she has been bookkeeper at the World office and left for a week’s visit in the twin cities.  Later she wrote that she would not return to her position for the reason that she was married. Her husband is police reporter on the St. Paul Pioneer Press. She is a competent and highly respected young lady of this city and was raised and educated in Ramsey county and has a host of friends here who will be surprised to learn of her marriage. The happy young couple will make their home in Minneapolis. Devils Lake Inter-Ocean Thursday April 20, 1916


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