Trails to the Past

North Dakota

Rolette County




Rolette County North Dakota News


Wagon Accident

R S. Sampson, of Rolette county, got out on the tongue of his wagon to adjust the harness, when his team started to run. He locked his legs around the tongue, small boy fashion and was carried half a mile, when the wagon struck a rock and upset. The horses were set free and Sampson escaped without a scratch. Ward County Independent August 26, 1903


Burned by Fire

Rolla—Freddie, the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rosscup, met with a painful accident. He had cut his third finger with his pack knife while making a whistle and bound up the wound with a piece of white cloth saturated with turpentine. Upon going upstairs to the bed, Freddie struck a match which set on fire the turpentine, and before the flames could be extinguished the fingers of the hand were badly burned. Golden Valley Chronicle Beach Billings County ND. February 21, 1908


Sheriff Douglas is Assulted

Fargo Forum:  Sheriff Douglas of Rolette County was murderously assaulted at Dunseith early Tuesday by the ringleader of a gang of seventy five Soo railroad employees at Dunseith, being struck with a vicious blow on the head with a beer bottle.

Seventy five men employed on the Soo drove into Dunseith early yesterday morning with half a barrel of beer and immediately began to cause a disturbance.  Sheriff Douglass was sent for and in attempting to quiet the men and stop the disturbance the ringleader of the crew struck him over the head, cutting an ugly wound in back of his ear.  Sheriff Douglas at once called for help and nine of the men were placed under arrest, the others getting away.  The men were brought to the county jail at Rolla last night.  Tom Douglas is a popular official and his assault by the railroad men has resulted in much excitement.  Bismarck Daily Tribune Thursday July 6, 1911





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