Trails to the Past

North Dakota

Stutsman County




Stutsman County North Dakota Obituaries

Dunsmore--Jamestown N.D. Sept 26, Mrs. Wm. Dunsmore died at 3:00 a.m. Friday after a very brief illness of wah was defined as acute appendicitis. She was in the hospital but a few days and while there underwent a surgical operation, but without benefit.

Mrs. Isabell Gray Dunsmore was born at Port Jervis, NY February 12, 1878.  She moved to Jamestown with her parents and here grew to woman hood, and in 1895 was married.  She is survived by the husband and three children Gertrude 17 years of age, William 14, and Jessie 13.  Besides, there are four sisters:  Mrs. Peter U. Fried of Fried ND, Mrs Clifton Johnson of Oakes, ND, Mrs. James H. Spears of Vancouver B. C. and Miss Margaret Gray of Jamestown ND, also two brothers Capt James D. Gray of Jamestown, Wm. A. Gray of Seattle WA. Her mother Mrs. Annie Gray also of Jamestown. Bismarck Tribune Sunday September 27, 1914

McKean, Earl, the seven months old child of Mrs. John McKean, died at the city hospital yesterday morning and was buried this afternoon in Highland Home cemetery. Mrs. McKean is lying at the point of death at the hospital and does not yet know of the child’s death. Her husband left some time ago and his whereabouts are unknown. Jamestown Weekly Alert September 20, 1900

Seiler, E. J. of this city, one of the leading business men of Stutsman county, died after an illness of several months. He had recently returned from Hunters Hot Springs, where he went for treatment for diabetes.  Mr. Seiler was an honorable and upright man, with a promising business future, and had hosts of friends throughout the state. He was engaged in the real estate and insurance business, and has been a resident of Jamestown for about eleven years, being formerly associated with his brother, O. J. Seiler of this city, but during the past six years had been engaged in business alone.  He leaves a wife and three children.  The Evening Times October 20, 1911




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