Trails to the Past

Billings County North Dakota

1885 Dakota Territory Census Page 4


Name Age Occupation Birthplace Residence
Gramenz, Jns. 39 Laborer VT Billings
Green, T. C. 33 Herder NE Billings
Greenley, J. W. 18 Herder MI Billings
Greyones, J. R. 24 Cashier store NY Billings
Haggert, Isace 31 Cowboy OH Billings
Hall, George 24 Machinist Sweden Billings
Hannagin, Lizzy 29 Nurse NY Billings
Hannegan, J. 38 Saloonkeeper KY Billings
Hannigin, James 28 L. dealer MN Billings
Hannigin, Emma 26   MN Billings
Hanoy, John 42 Hunter KY Billings
Hanson, M. 21 Cowboy Sweden Billings
Hanson, Hans 22 Cowboy Norway Billings
Harmon, James B. 28 Horse herder IA Billings
Harmon, Lulu 18   MN Billings
Harrison, Jns. 63 Cowboy KY Billings
Harrison, Julia 28   KY Billings
Harrison, Amiel 10   PA Billings
Harrison, Isaac 8   PA Billings
Harrison, Monta 6   PA Billings
Harrison, Horace 4   PA Billings
Harrison, Henry 2   PA Billings
Harrison, Bobe 1   MN Billings
Hays, James 24 Cowboy TN Billings
Heath, H. W. B. 32 Barkeeper IN Billings
Hendricks, John 41 Paper hanger MD Billings
Herrie, Fred 29 Laborer France Billings
Hilderbrand, G. H. 27 Herder   Billings
Hill, John 25 Cowboy TX Billings
Hillyer, H. 24 Laborer Canada Billings
Hister, Frank 51   France Billings
Hogan, Mikle 32 RR Ireland Billings
Holder, Jonney 25 Salesman IN Billings
Holmes, A. B. 26 Cowboy WI Billings
Holmes, Anie 20   WI Billings
Holmes, Ella 2   Dakota Billings
Hood, H. 24 Herder TX Billings
Hood, N. F. 25 Herder MA Billings
Hood, C. A. 20 Herder CO Billings
Houlakal, Thomas 22 Butcher Canada Billings
Howe, M. W. 28   KY Billings
Howell, W. H. 36 Ranchman KS Billings
Johnson, B. F. 25 Cook KY Billings
Johnson, Thos. 31 Herder VT Billings
Johnson, John 24 Laborer Norway Billings
Jolley, Charls M. 32 Teaster NY Billings
Jones, James 43 RR Ireland Billings
Jones, Levi P. 33 Cowboy MO Billings
Jones, Reuben 29 Brickmaker TN Billings
Jones, William 22 Cowboy TX Billings
Jordon, G. W. 62 Carpenter England Billings
Jordon, J. 62   England Billings
Jordon, G. 15   MA Billings
Jorgens, H. M. 30 Druggist Norway Billings
Jorgens, Lillie 29   MI Billings
Jorgens, Iven 8   NE Billings
Jorgens, John 5   Dakota Billings
Kaide, Francis M. 23 Dining room girl IL Billings
Kartala, F. 35 Laborer Germany Billings
Kartala, Joe 47 Laborer Germany Billings
Keefer, John 30 Butcher IL Billings
Keefer, Mary Jane 26   KY Billings
Keeler, Frank 33 Grocer NY Billings
Keeler, Mary 20   Ireland Billings
Keeler, Francis 2/12 Mar   Dakota Billings
Keen, James 25 Cowboy TX Billings
Kelley, Jack 25 Cowboy TX Billings
Kerr, J. S. 22 Herder MN Billings
Kindley, Oren 32 Foreman Canada Billings
King, Wm. 31 Herder   Billings
King, William 30 Cowboy TX Billings
Knott, Mikel 46 Butcher Germany Billings
Krogh, Peter 24 RR Norway Billings
Labrache, Alfred 31 Cowboy IA Billings
Lambert, V. 29 Cook GA Billings
Lander, Ole 30   Sweden Billings
Lang, G. 50 Ranchman Scotland Billings
Lang, E. 45   Scotland Billings
Lang, Sophy 21   Scotland Billings
Lang, Doneven 18 Cowboy Scotland Billings
Lang, Willie 9   Scotland Billings
Langolf, Albert 18 Butcher OH Billings
Laranee, Peter 24 RR WI Billings
Larue, Isac 44   IN Billings
Lebo, Norman 52 Blacksmith OH Billings
Lebo, Hester 43   NY Billings
Lebo, Schuyell 13   MN Billings
Lebo, Judson 10   MN Billings
Lebo, Mary 8   MN Billings
Lebo, Bertha 5   MN Billings
Lefors, Wm. 21 Herder PA Billings
Liston, Mary 33   Jamaica Billings
Lockin, Anna 30 Laundress Norway Billings
Lorenz, Gus 27 Herder LA Billings
Loyier, W. M. 23 Carpenter NY Billings
Lynch, John 40 Carpenter PA Billings
Malloy, Peter (Mort.) 38 Hotelkeeper Ireland Billings
Maloy, Bridget     Ireland Billings
Maloy, Ellie 7   Dakota Billings
Maloy, Charlie 2   Dakota Billings
Maloy, Jonnie 8   Dakota Billings

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